Natural Hair Palava

A quick question: Why do I see ladies with natural hair everywhere? Maybe it’s because that’s what is really in vogue. I saw a lady wearing Bantu knot with her natural hair and I was like “Awwn, this is so nice” On the other hand, I saw a dry, brown (dirty) “natural” hair and I was like “Really”
See ehn, natural hair is not for everybody o, just like the name implies “Natural” if your hair doesn’t want to have the natural look. Just apply relaxer and keep on admiring those that have the gift, rather than keeping the natural hair (by force) and it will look tattered and unkempt (especially in the day, after your make-up has washed off) It breaks my heart when I see the good, the bad and the ugly natural hair(s) because, most ladies take time cater for their hair, while some ladies just expect miracle to happen overnight. Hair stylists can’t do everything for you shey you know?
Enough said, let’s talk about how to beautify your natural hair and make it all shiny and glossy.
Natural hair care is real hard work. There are times that you will feel frustrated and you will want to apply relaxer immediately. However, it’s not as hard as it seems. Oya, let’s get to work!
Love for natural hair
In African countries especially Nigeria, ladies do not keep natural hair because it is their wish. Some people decide to keep their hair naturally mostly because of their religion belief, family background, parental influence or fear of chemical (relaxer) burns. Hence they struggle with brushing and styling of the hair and treat it as if they don’t have a choice. Those that decided to go natural have a simple reason: they have suffered from chemicals, the hair is breaking and they want to return to Mother Nature. Bottom-line is: whatever your reason maybe, you need to love your hair naturally. This will you start working with it rather than against it.
Oil! Oil!! Oil!!! You want your natural hair to be the talk of the town, yet the only thing you apply is Vaseline (rub and shine) in the morning. You might get the result, but it will only last for a while. I have a friend with natural hair and it looks shiny all the time even when she doesn’t apply oil. This is because she takes her time to microwave olive oil for few minutes, then she applies deep into her scalp and wrap for a long time before she rinses with warm water. If you can’t afford olive oil, you can go for Shea butter, coconut oil, cocoa butter and any other hair oil that will make your hair wave at admirers. However, you have to be careful not to use much product. Apply every styling products on your hair may not be wise, as it may cause breakage.
Washing and Conditioning
Shampoo your hair once or twice a week and apply conditioner every time you shampoo. Leave-in conditioner is highly recommended. Make sure you untangle every knot before you wash your hair, and even when you are in a hurry, gently untangle the knots. You don’t wanna hurt your scalp.
Hair styling
There is no doubt that a natural hair may not last long like a relaxed hair, this doesn’t mean that you should wear another weave the moment you get rid of your old style. Give it breathing space; don’t choke it every now and then. Treat your hair like a baby, not every hairstyle is good for you. Study your scalp and know what fits you
Eat a Balanced diet. With the present situation of the economy, you may think balanced diet is an abstract thing. But seriously, there are cheap and affordable things you can consume that will make you healthy. Fruits are everywhere, eat well and wait to see the result on your hair.
Oya, do all these things and let’s see how it goes. You can snap your natural hair and flaunt it here for the world to see and ask for more tips.
Next write up will be: How to turn a Relaxed hair to a Natural hair. Stay tuned!


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