Chemical Burns

Story Story!
So, I went to this salon to apply relaxer on my hair. Few minutes later when the lady started, I felt like scratching the rubbish out of that hair. To cut the long story short sha, MY HAIR GOT BURNT! Well it’s actually my scalp, and it was really really painful. I got burns all over my head, and I told myself that it will be a sin if I don’t write something about Hair relaxer side effect. Let’s go there…
Chemicals (relaxers) no doubt make your hair soft, shine, beautiful and every other good thing you can think of. However, they can be very harsh and tough especially on feeble scalp like mine *winks*. So, let me quickly gist you about the dos and don’ts about relaxer application.

Get the most suitable relaxer for your scalp. The fact that everybody loves using Kit doesn’t mean your hair likes it. Consult your hair specialist/stylist to get the recommended relaxer for you. Never assume it will work out.

Try your possible best not to scratch or deep comb your hair two weeks before retouch. This may leave a potential cut that will cause overwhelming pain the moment it smells relaxer.

Never apply relaxer yourself, find a professional to do that for you. Relaxers should be applied on the hair, it must not touch the scalp, and you cannot take note of this if you apply it yourself.

Base your hair before applying relaxer. Some hair stylist doesn’t believe in thorough hair base before applying relaxer, and this is very wrong. You must apply base cream, white powder or hair cream into every part of the scalp (including the ends) before the chemical application.

Finally, Rinse the chemicals thoroughly; get a good shampoo to make sure there are no traces of relaxer. Any trace of relaxer on your hair (after washing) will deliciously break the hair into pieces.

So, what should I do since I already got burnt?

 Always keep the hair moisturized, apply hair cream or aloevera every now and then. Scalp burnt can become dry scale-like wound and turn into big time dandruff. Make sure you apply cream till it becomes healed.

 Leave your hair weaveless for one or two weeks and let it recover, after that you either co-wash or shampoo-wash the hair. Don’t be in a hurry to plait, give it time to recover.

 While the burns are healing, try as much as you can to avoid scratching. You don’t wanna infuriate the wound.

 Finally, wash your hair gently after the wound is healed, just to make sure you give no room for dandruff, because that will breed another scratching wahala.

*squeezes face*, this relaxer didn’t do me good oo, but I have to deal with it. Thanks for the attention; this is the end of my Story!


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