This is gonna be really short.
Have you ever relied so much on your hairstylist about getting your hair done at a particular time, but you were really disappointed? You have made arrangements for a particular time or day, but you got to the salon and found it locked or the stylist wasn’t around. You disappointingly called him/her on phone, and he/she gave you an apologetic excuse that you even agreed with him/her for the absence.
Don’t feel sad, it’s just a blessing in disguise for your hair. It gives your hair more than enough time to enjoy fresh air. Depending on the duration your hairstylist is absent, you can do some things with your hair while you wait.
You can Treat, Steam, Retouch or even Roll your hair and put under dryer (also known as setting) Bottom line is: whenever you are disappointed by your hairstylist, maximize the time and do something good to your hair.
The best cycle for your hair: Retouch- Roller set- Steam-Weave
Maintain this process, and the result will surprise you!


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